Sakura 夏櫻
Sakura 夏櫻
Sakura 夏櫻 5N 單晶銀 耳機升級線
一直以嚟,本品牌都未曾推出純銀或其他純貴金屬線,主要原因有三:第一,貴金屬價格高,成本高,要生產一條質素達標嘅貴金屬線材,售價絕對唔低;第二,平價純貴金屬線材嘅聲音質素十分參差,三頻表現(特別低頻)受限,唯有係線芯導體量達到一定水平,三頻表現先會有所改善;第三,市場大眾對純銀線有一個「高頻強,低頻弱」嘅既定印象,意味著非主流嘅純銀線,未必達到大眾對純銀線嘅聲音要求。 但係,我哋相信一條高質素嘅純銀線仍然有佢嘅價值。純銀線所帶嚟嘅分析力、定位、速度感,仍然係令人享受,令人着迷 。就算 Sakura 夏櫻 價格比我哋以往嘅線材高唔少,我哋亦確保而條線就係有咁樣嘅價值,保持住我哋品牌一直以來嘅高性價比!
Sakura 夏櫻 採用三種不同線徑嘅 5N OCC 單晶銀漆包導體組成四層結構。中心線芯線徑較粗,内層與外層導體量依照 1 : 0.618 的黃金比例設計,並用上正反絞合設計。線芯完成絞合後再進行深層冷凍結晶處理,令聲音表現更安定,中層以粉紅色編織網包裹線芯,再以醫用級PVC作最外層保護。整體導體線徑約 24 AWG (因使用黃金比例設計,相同導體線徑情況下,通量會比一般 Litz 結構線材更多),遠超市面上其他四絞純銀耳機線。
Sakura 夏櫻 偏中上盤走向。有別於傳統純銀線材,聲音唔會過於直白,而係帶有少少染色,特別係人聲帶有一絲甜味,搭配上適量而下潛深嘅低頻,令人越聽越享受~ 聲音密度高係一條好線材嘅基本要求,喺密度高嘅前提下,做到大音場🔊 、定位準確、有足夠分離度嘅線材係有一定難度,而 Sakura 夏櫻 正正可以做到以上嘅要求,特別適合 live 嘅錄音,人聲置中,距離適中,樂器定位清晰,鼓點準確,低頻收縮速度快,整體橫向音場大,弦樂嘅延伸一直拉長至頭頂位置,營造出一個十分出色嘅縱向音場‼ 配上混合式單元耳機更加係有奇效!
Sakura 夏櫻 將OFC鍍銀插針及OFC鍍金插頭作為標準配置,讓客人擁有一個更好嘅聆聽體驗。我哋亦有其他更高質素嘅插針插頭可供選配,為每位客人度身訂造,歡迎聯絡我哋了解更多。
Sakura 夏櫻 提供銀色陽極化或白色電泳五金配件,表面陽極化及電泳處理工序令配件更具質感,同時提升配件耐用度。
產品名稱: Sakura 夏櫻
等級: Signature
材料:5N 單晶銀
配件材料:訂製銀色陽極化 / 白色電泳配件
耳機接頭:(OFC鍍銀 / OFC鍍金) 2 pin / MMCX / 訂製
插頭:(OFC鍍10u金) 4.4 mm / 3.5 mm / 2.5 mm / 訂製
Sound Signature
Sound Signature
Sakura offers a balanced mid-to-high frequency range with a subtle coloration that sweetens vocals, unlike traditional pure silver cables. It features deep, well-controlled bass that grows more enjoyable over time. High sound density, broad soundstage, precise positioning, and clear separation are its hallmarks, making it ideal for live recordings. Vocals are well-centered, instruments are clearly positioned, and it provides a vast horizontal and vertical soundstage. Paired with hybrid driver earphones, Sakura delivers exceptional performance.
Material & Structure
Material & Structure
Sakura features three different wire gauges of 5N OCC single-crystal silver enameled conductors in a four-layer structure. With a thicker central core and conductors designed in a 1:0.618 golden ratio, it employs a twisted pair design. After twisting, the core receives a deep cryogenic treatment for enhanced sound stability. It's wrapped in a pink braided mesh and encased in medical-grade PVC. The total gauge of 24 AWG, thanks to the golden ratio, allows for a higher current capacity than standard Litz cables, outperforming other quad-braid pure silver headphone cables.
材料:5N 單晶銀
股數:4股,每股導體 24 AWG
長度:1.2米 / 訂製

Let customers speak for us
from 4 reviewsI will order again from this shop. First of all.. I was unsure what to get. They were so easy to talk to and they helped me choose the best cable for my in ear and it's purpose. When i heard the music for the first time, I can track my voice better as I sing along with the instrumental. I am happy and I made the right choice✨

I was never really a believer in cables making a big difference until I heard my IEMs on these cables. Worth the money 100%. This Nova cable paired with my Madoo type 711 is fantastic. Will buy again!!

Great all around. Seller was great and the cable sounds amazing.