Media Reviews
"Here’s what audiophiles have to say about our various series of cables. Whether you’re just getting started or looking for high-end performance, see how our cables have elevated the listening experience for enthusiasts around the world"

Newbie Series - Neptune
Arifgraphy, Sonic Mantra
"The NMD Audio Neptune mostly makes the lower frequencies warm without secrificing the clarity in midrange or upper frequencies. Due to the good separation ability, it also enhances vocal clarity. And it can solve some problematic ‘planar/BA timbers,’ though not the whole, but a bit of it, which is audibly satisfying.."
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Signature Series - Sakura
Mars Chan, Head-Fi Reviewer
"The sound is on the analytical side, yet very musical and engaging; it has some enhancement in the treble between 3 KHz and 8 KHz, which pushes the details forward and helps IEMs that sound dark to sound brighter and more vivid; and, fortunatly, the midbass is also enhanced in energy level, making the sound between the bass and the treble very balanced."
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Moderate Series - Mars
Gheorghe Dobrescu, Audiophile Heaven
"Focused and dynamic sound, excellent build quality. heavy weight, resulting in a snug fit wiht most IEMS. flexible design that dampens microphonic noise, and fully configurable and customizable at the moment of purchase. Good price for the performance."
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Newbie Series - Nova
Mars Chan, Head-Fi Reviewer
"The first thing I noticed was the improvement in soundstage and the smoothening, but not rolling off of those slight grit in the treble that were caused by the recording or the sources, making my musical experience more concentrated on enjoyment of the details and not the details of the details, like looking through a microscope."
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Moderate Series - Mist
Mars Chan, Head-Fi Reviewer
"This is very neutral sounding with a slight enhancement in the upper treble; it sounds analytical yet very musical at the same time, and thus, my favorite when it comes to enhancing the upper treble extension; there is no warming up of the sound; it's just straight and ruler-flat subjective frequency response according to my hearing; the soundstage is accurate, and so is the imaging; there is no obvious enhancement in any part of the spectrum; it's just very transparent sounding."
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Accessories - Silicon Eartips
Mars Chan, Head-Fi Reviewer
"It has a noticeable boost in the subbass, very flat and even from midbass to treble, and a gentle rise in the upper treble; I don't hear any bumps or scoops in the midrange or treble. When listening to music, the subbass sounds very solid, the midrange is detailed, and the treble is very extended. I would say that it has a slight U-shaped sound signature. I also noticed that the soundstage and imaging are above average in performance. Overall, very refined-sounding eartips."
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Deluxe Series - Dusk
Mars Chan, Head-Fi Reviewer
"The DUSK has the biggest soundstage of the four; it sounds tonally neutral; it is very well balanced between analytical and organic kinds of sound. It has nice vocal performance, bass texture and articulation, treble air, details and micro detail, etc. The DUSK is very even in it's qualities; this has it all. It is not the best in a single thing, except the soundstage size presentation; in other words, a jack of all trades but master of almost everything and exceptional in soundstage. This is a fantastic-sounding cable."
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Moderate Series - Mist
Mars Chan, Head-Fi Reviewer
"This is very neutral sounding with a slight enhancement in the upper treble; it sounds analytical yet very musical at the same time, and thus, my favorite when it comes to enhancing the upper treble extension; there is no warming up of the sound; it's just straight and ruler-flat subjective frequency response according to my hearing; the soundstage is accurate, and so is the imaging; there is no obvious enhancement in any part of the spectrum; it's just very transparent sounding."
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Accessories - Silicon Eartips
Mars Chan, Head-Fi Reviewer
"It has a noticeable boost in the subbass, very flat and even from midbass to treble, and a gentle rise in the upper treble; I don't hear any bumps or scoops in the midrange or treble. When listening to music, the subbass sounds very solid, the midrange is detailed, and the treble is very extended. I would say that it has a slight U-shaped sound signature. I also noticed that the soundstage and imaging are above average in performance. Overall, very refined-sounding eartips."
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