Neptune 海王星
Neptune 海王星
Neptune -- Premium IEM Upgrade Cable (Cryogenically treated 6N OCC single-crystal copper & Cryogenically treated 6N OCC single-crystal & cryogenically treated 6N OCC silver-plated copper)
海王星 —— 太陽系中最遙遠的行星,以其深邃的藍色而聞名。它的顏色不僅令人聯想到浩瀚的宇宙和神秘的深海,還傳達出一種寧靜和優雅的氣息。此升級線以深邃的漸層藍色作主色調,完美契合了海王星的視覺形象。線材專注於還原細膩的人聲,加強中頻人聲的尾韻及高頻延伸,令高頻帶有一絲絲空氣感,每字每句都能清晰感受到表演者的情感,讓人沉浸在音樂的海洋中,如同在浩瀚的星空下,感受海王星的神秘與魅力。
是次新產品提供布網及不包布網兩個版本 ,布網屏蔽版本耐用度高,聲音表現稍微更安定 ,但線材更粗,便攜性降低。 不包布網版本,線身柔軟,便於攜帶。
材料用上經冷凍處理的 6N OCC 單晶銅 搭配 經冷凍處理的6N OCC單晶銅鍍銀,除了強化整體聲音密度之外,更特別加強中高頻人聲表現。人聲距離適中,擺位中間偏上,整體十分細膩,細節量多,高頻延展性強,聲音往上方擴散,令人聲表現具華麗感,更會加強某些歌曲中女聲嘅中高頻空氣感,人聲整體變得更有「毒性」。低頻量適中,下潛表現不錯,每個鼓點定位準確,擴散質感十分好,烘托出歌曲氛圍感,但不會造成過多低頻而影響耐聽度 。 線材整體分析力更接近中至高階線材 。音場遼闊,無論橫向或縱向音場都有一定闊度和深度,整體呈一個完整圓形。聲音密度高,不會出現音場「虛大」的情況,而是忠於錄音,將歌曲中的樂器擺位、層次還原,於遼闊的音場中用最純粹、最真實、最準確的方式呈現。值得一提的是線材中,弦樂 的表現極好,特別是小提琴、中提琴的中高頻延伸感、張力等令人為之一亮。
線材用上本品牌全新鋁合金噴砂配件,Logo用上鐳射雕刻技術,加強耐用度 。
使用焊錫差分技術,每一個焊接位都用上不同混接及定制焊錫 。 焊點特殊處理 坊間普通嘅焊點處理,因絕緣及密封處理做得唔好,十分容易導致線材氧化,影響線材壽命及聲音表現。為此我哋用上雙層UV光固化樹脂隔絕層及熱縮管加強對焊點嘅保護,為焊點做好絕緣及防氧化處理!線材製作完成後,我哋亦會進行50小時煲線測試,確保線材造工及聲音萬無一失。
插針及插頭皆用上碲銅 (TeCU) 鍍5u金,提升線材聲音表現。客人亦可選擇升級無氧銅 OFC 插針或插頭,進一步提升聲音表現!
產品名稱: Neptune 海王星
等級:入門 Newbie
耳機接頭:(碲銅鍍金 / 碲銅鍍銠) 2 pin / MMCX / 訂製
插頭:(碲銅鍍金) 2.5 mm & 3.5 mm & 4.4 mm / 訂製
Sound Signature
Sound Signature
Neptune uses cryogenically treated 6N OCC single-crystal copper & OCC silver-plated copper. It not only enhances overall sound density but also significantly improves mid-to-high frequency vocal performance. The vocals are positioned slightly above the center, with excellent detail and high-frequency extension. The sound spreads upwards, while adding an "addictive" airiness to female vocals. The bass quantity is moderate with good depth, accurate drum positioning, and a broad atmospheric quality.
Neptune also offers a wide soundstage, with good depth and width in both horizontal and vertical directions. With high sound density, there is no "hollow" soundstage while staying true to the recording, accurately presenting the positioning and layering of instruments. The cable also further excels in string instrument performance, particularly in the mid-to-high frequency extension and tension of violins and violas.
線芯:2股6N單晶銅 + 2股6N單晶銅鍍銀
股數:4股,每股 22 awg
長度:1.2米 / 訂製

Let customers speak for us
from 4 reviewsI will order again from this shop. First of all.. I was unsure what to get. They were so easy to talk to and they helped me choose the best cable for my in ear and it's purpose. When i heard the music for the first time, I can track my voice better as I sing along with the instrumental. I am happy and I made the right choice✨

I was never really a believer in cables making a big difference until I heard my IEMs on these cables. Worth the money 100%. This Nova cable paired with my Madoo type 711 is fantastic. Will buy again!!

Great all around. Seller was great and the cable sounds amazing.